domenica 6 aprile 2008

ecco gli Hap & Leonard secondo il Sig.Joe R.Lansdale

"My pick was Jeff Bridges and Sam Jackson, but the powers that be want to make them younger so they can make several movies. Josh Lucas and Don Cheadle were at one point supposed to be it, and they would have been good. At another point, it was Bill Paxton and Cheadle, and I'd have liked that a lot.
Denzel Washington would be good, but the guy that always came closest to looking like I saw him was Lawrence Fisburn or Sam Jackson. I do think for a new grouping, Josh Brolin would be good for Hap, and it might be nice to see Cuba Gooding in a part like this, playing more hardboiled. Michael Boatman might make a surprisingly good Leonard."

"La mia scelta sarebbe stata Jeff Bridges e Sam Jackson, però avendo la capacità di farli ringiovanire in modo che avessero potuto fare diversi film (mitico! addirittura una serie ndr). Josh Lucas e Don Cheadle, ad un certo punto, sarebbero potuti andare bene. Successivamente, potevano essere Bill Paxton e Cheadle ad andar bene, mi sarebbe piaciuto molto. Danzel Washington andrebbe bene, ma il tipo che vedo più vicino a somigliargli era Lawrence Fishburne o Sam Jackson.
Sto pensando a un altra accoppiata, Josh Brolin andrebbe bene per Hap e sarebbe bello vedere Cuba Gooding in una parte come questa, recitando più hardboiled.
Michael Boatman potrebbe fare un Leonard sorprendentemente buono."

Jeff Briges
Samuel Lee Jackson
Josh Lucas
Don Cheadle
Josh Brolin
Cuba Gooding Jr
altri Leonard
Denzel Washington
Michael Boatman
Lawrence Fishburne